I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I have been hard at work on my biggest creation yet. 3 1/2 acres of World Famous SamG Land. Having a home show here on Dec 10-11 that will be the Official Grand Opening. Hope everyone comes out and sees all the hard work I've done and get a better understanding of my vision and what I hope to accomplish with i
Thanksgiving as a holiday, at this point in my life, has become nothing more than bumming a really good meal off of someone. For many, it is merely a way of energizing themselves to prepare themselves to fight at WalMart over discounted toaster ovens. We want to call ourselves thankful, but honestly, are we?
I could go on and list everything I am thankful for. I'm not though. Hopefully the people I'm thankful for, truly know. One thing though that I am truly thankful for is my imagination. I've always had that. This week marks 9 years since I took an online career quiz that said that I should be an artist and I did my first painting. I've taken breaks from art temporarily over the past 9 years due mostly to life circumstances, but it has been my one true love. I feel like I'm just getting started, or at least starting over. Whatever I'm doing, I'm going to do it big!!!
Moral of Today's Lesson: Don't surround yourself with people who can help you, surround yourself with people who won't hurt you.
Peace, Love, and The World's Largest Grit